Innovation. Dedication. Quality.

Vectornate is a market-leading manufacturer and distributor of medical equipment and products, vector control products, water filters, and related appliances, air filtration products, and many more.

Founded in South Korea in 1991, our company strives to ceaselessly develop new and exciting technologies across multiple fields to solve public health concerns across the globe.

Experience our innovation by contacting us today!

  • Communicate with customers
  • Adapt to the demand and changes
  • Achieve greater flexibility with competitive drive

Made in Korea

Our products are developed and manufactured in Korea


State of the art R&D hubs in both Korea and U.S.A

Ship worldwide

Your choice of delivery options, to your doorstep
“I met the Vectornate team at a US exhibition looking for equipment to be used for agricultural disinfection and pest control. Since then our business grew with them and we're very happy with their level of service and quality. ”

- Enrico. Director, New Pharm